Breakdown of Alliance Raid difficulty imbalance from Kuratha

TLDR Version (In Depth Analysis Follows)
Easy/Normal are grouped similarly in rewards and setup.
Hard/Ex similar grouping.

Based on the reqs, boss hp, and difficulty and the actual time it takes players to reach the reqs required in main campaign progression
Easy/Normal should take 1-1.5 weeks each to begin full clearing. While Hard would take at least a month.

This is similar in concept to current enemy skills attacks: basically you heroes are alive or their one-shot. There isn’t enough incremental or dynamic abilities yet. Strategy/tactics does help but pure strength is the key.

So rn in summary:
Easy/Normal are too easy and don’t scale well enough.
Hard/EX are initially too hard.

Will finish adding the full details once meetings are over.

But suggestion:
-Rebalancing of Alliance Raid system e.g. Alliance 2.0 rework
-Add a ‘Veteran’ difficulty to fill the gap in-between Normal/Hard
-Add a ‘Super-Hard’ difficulty in-between Hard/Ex

As context, SotA has has a core of ~ 15 members and has been able to clear Easy/Normal within a week or 2-3 attempts each.
Able to do 20%-60% dmg on bosses on Normal but barely able to do 6% on Hard is a big drop.
It’s still feasible but requires everyone and a full 30 members to be at the same strength, fully active, and requires much more of a time commitment.

-----Alliance Raid System: Detailed Breakdown----- –Easy Raid– Stated Difficulty:

LV 30 , Gear Level: IV

Map Range:

Lv 20-30 | T2-T4


    Row    │ Lv │ Gear  
     1     │ 20 │  T2   
     2     │    │       
  Miniboss │ 25 │  T3   
     4     │    │       
     5     │ 30 │  T4   
    Boss   │    │       

Absolute minimum of players needed to complete:


Time-frame from 0/25 to 25/25:

~1 weeks


| Completion | Wpn  | Gear  |  Gold   | Tokens  |
|    Rate    | mats | T2-T6 |   (k)   |   (k)   |
|   25/25    | 9-11 |  2-4  | 136-166 |  66-82  |
|   22/25    | 8-11 |  2-4  | 113-138 | 82-102  |
|   18/25    | 7-10 |  2-4  | 94-115  | 102-128 |
|   12/25    | 5-8  |  2-4  |  79-96  | 128-160 |
|    6/25    | 4-7  |  2-4  |  66-80  | 160-200 |
| Incomplete |  -   |   -   |   10    |  .025   |

. .

[12:33 PM]

Normal Raid Stated Difficulty:

LV 50 , Gear Level: VII

Map Range:

Lv 35-50 | T5-T7


     Row   │ Lv │ Gear  
     1     │ 35 │  T5   
     2     │ 40 │  T6   
  Miniboss │ 45 │  T7   
     4     │    │       
     5     │ 50 │  T8   
    Boss   │    │       

Absolute minimum of players needed to complete:


Time-frame from 0/25 to 25/25:

~1.5 weeks


| Completion | Wpn  | Gear  |  Gold   | Tokens  |
|    Rate    | mats | T5-T9 |   (k)   |   (k)   |
|   25/25    | 9-12 |  1-3  | 272-333 | 720-990 |
|   22/25    | 8-11 |  1-3  | 227-277 | 576-720 |
|   18/25    | 7-10 |  1-3  | 189-231 | 461-576 |
|   12/25    | 5-8  |  1-3  | 158-193 | 369-461 |
|    6/25    | 4-7  |  1-3  | 131-160 | 295-369 |
| Incomplete |  -   |   -   |   20    |   .05   |

. .

[12:33 PM]

Hard Raid Stated Difficulty:

LV 60 , Gear Level: X

Map Range:

Lv 55-60 | T9-T10 Setup:

    Row    │ Lv │ Gear  
     1     │    │       
     2     │ 55 │  T9   
  Miniboss │    │       
     4     │    │       
     5     │ 60 │ T10   
    Boss   │    │       

Absolute minimum of players needed to complete:


Time-frame from 0/25 to 25/25:

~1 month


| Completion | Wpn  | Red  |  Gear  |  Gold   | Tokens  |
|    Rate    | mats | mats | T8-T11 |   (k)   |   (k)   |
|   25/25    | 9-12 | 9-12 |  1-2   | 480-586 |  2.4-3  |
|   22/25    | 8-11 | 8-11 |  1-2   | 400-488 | 1.9-2.4 |
|   18/25    | 7-10 | 8-9  |  1-2   | 333-407 | 1.5-1.9 |
|   12/25    | 5-8  | 8-9  |  1-2   | 278-339 | 1.2-1.5 |
|    6/25    | 4-7  | 8-9  |  1-2   | 231-283 | .98-1.2 |
| Incomplete |  -   |  -   |   -    |   30    |   .1    |

. .

[12:33 PM]

EX Raid Stated Difficulty:

LV 70 , Gear Level: XII

Map Range:

Lv 65-70 | T11-T12


    Row    │ Lv │ Gear  
     1     │    │       
     2     │ 65 │ T11   
  Miniboss │    │       
     4     │    │       
     5     │ 70 │ T12   
    Boss   │    │       

Absolute minimum of players needed to complete:


Time-frame from 0/25 to 25/25:

~2 months


| Completion | Wpn  |  Red  |   Gear  |   Gold   | Tokens  |
|    Rate    | mats |  mats | T10-T13 |   (k)    |   (k)   |
|   25/25    | 9-12 | 11-15 |   1-2   | 829-1014 |  8-10   |
|   22/25    | 8-11 | 10-14 |   1-2   | 691-845  |  6.4-8  |
|   18/25    | 7-10 |  8-9  |   1-2   | 576-704  | 5.1-6.4 |
|   12/25    | 5-8  |  8-9  |   1-2   | 480-587  | 4.1-5.1 |
|    6/25    | 4-7  |  8-9  |   1-2   | 400-489  | 3.3-4.1 |
| Incomplete |  -   |   -   |    -    |    30    |   .2    |

Additional Thoughts -The best ‘Raid’ system I’ve seen by far has either been the rotating Guild Raid system in Guardian Tales or the system from Langrisser mobile. Both are fairly different in execution due to greatly different styles of game but is always a good source of inspiration -I had put Alliance Raids as 4th in priority when asked about what game Features/concerns should be ranked -When I first started playing this ~2 months ago, I was excited because it was hinted that an Alliance 2.0 system was in the works and for weeks that was what our Alliance Leadership had said as a fallback option to the many bugs with the current Alliance system. A good amount of bugs have been fixed but a fair amount remain. -Last I went through, I checked over 30 pages of Alliances where there only was ~<5 ‘active’ players in each one. Yes the player-base is purposely small and more players will greatly increase the current state of Alliances but I feel some purging of all ‘dead’ Alliances will help re-vitalize the players. Many others and I have given quite a bit of feedback/suggestions of possible ideas, etc. -Rn I guess there only are 6 of hundreds of Alliances that is ‘active’ with 20+ members and maybe another 5 that are ‘semi-active’ with 10+ members -Alliances are the most ‘fun/exciting’ feature according to various polls I’ve ran over the months Personal Opinion -Alliance raids will be the biggest factor in retaining players long-term and should remain a higher priority(edited)