Characters review: Medium DPS

The last review part - Medium DPS.


LA: medium cone AoE DoT. Damage is small, only on 6* it becomes somehow good, also adds burn, but it’s doing small damage too. Not much to say here, I wouldn’t recommend to put her as leader.

2nd skill: good damage to a single enemy, small CD, but because of the AI bug, she won’t cast it every 8 seconds. Instead like 1 time in 15 seconds. On 6* also debuff enemy with ‘atk down’

3rd skill: increases defense. Pretty good passive, you can invest here

4th skill: small circle AoE. Damage is good, Burn is also doing some amount of damage, but not much really .

5th skill: large AoE Atk Up aura. Good skill, but not such strong as Toolshed’s or FriendlyDude’s. It only gives you +60% for 14s with a 30s CD. When Toolshed has +50% for 24s with 22s cd and FriendlyDude has 150% for 20s with 30s cd. So I prefer to put her in party only when there is one additional place

Overall. Just an average character, has nothing special. Damage is medium, you can’t do anything interesting or special with her. Maybe you will put her in a 15+ man party to increase your overall damage. You can use her in any stage of the game, but I wouldn’t recommend her for bosses. I mark her as A- tier with maxed aura, and B- tier without.


LA: large circle AoE/debuff. Roots everyone instide circle and debuffs with root. Bugged, poison don’t stuck, so you only 1 stack is applied. Damage is very low, I wouldn’t recommend to use her as leader.

2nd skill: medium Cone AoE . Damage is somehow OK, but the more important part, that she pushbacks all the enemies and interrupt their casts. On 6* also applies root on them, so after pushback they won’t move

3rd skill: increases move speed. You won’t need that anywhere in the game atm

4th skill: small circle AoE. Damage is good when you upgrade this skill, also applies root

5th skill: medium circle AoE. Damage is good only on 6*, before that even on 5 stars it’s still low. Poison stacks are bugged here too, so it will apply only 1 stack on 6 stars

Overall. Not so bad character, damage is average, even low in early-mid game, but it can interrupt casters, so you could probably use her in your team throughout the game. Wouldn’t recommend to put into boss fights, she has nothing to do there. I mark her as B tier


LA: medium circle AoE. Damage is good, and more important - it interrupt casters and applies ‘paralyze’ on them. You can’t rely on paralyze, but you can use this LA to interrupt someone. On 6* it also stuns. I could recommend to use Gedran as leader in early and maybe middle game.

2nd skill: small single-enemy damage. Applies ‘paralyze’, but you can’t rely on it. On 6* instead of single-cast it becomes small Cone AoE.

3rd skill: increases defense. Pretty good passive, you can invest here

4th skill: small Circle AoE DoT. He’s doing those 3 swingsvery long, animation lasts for ~2 sec. Damage is average

5th skill: small damage every second to all nearby enemies in a small circle AoE. On 6* also interrupt casting once and applies ‘paralyze’.

Overall. Note about paralyze first. That’s very annoying debuff. It has a 5% chance to interrupt caster every tick. So you can’t rely rely on that when staying in red zone - you have to run away from there. But! Very often instead of finishing casting enemy staggers, then turns around to you and starting to cast again. And you have to run away again, instead of killing him. That’s why I think this ability is more ‘bad’ than ‘good’. Now back to character. Good character for an early, maybe mid-game. In the end-game you will have better choice, so I doubt that you’ll pick him. Can’t recommend to involve him in boss fights, his overall damage is small. I mark him as B+ tier.


LA: medium circle AoE. Good damage, especially if you level up this ability. Also applies bleed stacks, which are doing large amount of damage. Good LA, can be used as leader.

2nd skill: small Circle AoE. Till 6* the damage is small. But once 6 star - it adds bleed for 18(!!!) seconds. So you can just run away from enemies and wait until they die.

3rd skill: increases critical chance. Good passive ability, you can invest here

4th skill: small Line AoE. Damage is small, even when maxed. On 6* also applies root.

5th skill: this one is interesting. It’s both single-target and AoE. It deals huge (after leveling up) damage to single target (3 bursts) and then execute everyone in a small circle AoE (on 6*). Good one for the end-game

Overall. Before 6* skills this character is kinda weak. I can’t recommend to use him in early or mid game, due to low damage. But once you have 6* on his 2nd and 5th skills, he becomes a good DD. You will even take him to the bosses, because of his bleed and execute skills. I mark him as B- tier before skills maxed, and A tier after.


LA: medium circle AoE. Damage is low, animation is long, and enemy can still somehow hit her while she’s in the air. On 6* also adds pushback. Not a great LA, can’t recommend to use her as leader.

2nd skill: small Line AoE. Damage is a little bit higher than small. Pushbacks enemies and interrupt their casts. On 6* also applies silence

3rd skill: increases move speed. You won’t need that anywhere in the game atm

4th skill: medium damage to a single enemy. Nothing more. On 6* also applies atk up to herself

5th skill: medium circle AoE . Damage is low, cast is long. On 6* also applies atk down to enemies

Overall. Can’t say much about this character. The only useful thing is a pushback, which interrupts casting. Damage is low, nothing special. I can’t recommend to use her anywhere and anytime. I mark her as C+ tier. And that plus only for ability to interrupt casting.


LA: huge circle AoE. Good damage and applies slow. On 6* instead of slow applies freeze. Not bad LA, you can use him as leader.

2nd skill: small Cone AoE. Average damage, fast cast.

3rd skill: increases defense. Pretty good passive, you can invest here

4th skill: medium circle HoT. It’s strange that this character has a good healing skill, no other dps characters can heal someone else. Pretty good thing, you can even take Darcy instead of healer in your party.

5th skill: medium Cone AoE. Huge damage, has a chance to freeze enemies. Very long cast and animation time. Damage is applied only after animation completely done. So you should wait and not move him, if you want the damage to be done.

Overall Good character. The only one from dps who can heal other heroes. Damage is good. I can recommend to take him in regular dungeons throughout the game. But not to the bosses, his overall damage to boss is pretty low. I mark him as A- tier


LA: huge line AoE. Deals 3 burst of damage while flying through enemies. Applies vulnerability before bursts, so damage is really high. When maxed, can kill almost any group of enemies. Good LA, I can recommend to use Kirito as leader if you can one-shot enemies with it (or at least remove 70+% of HP).

2nd skill: decreases ability cooldowns (except LA) for the entire squad. Strong ability, I recommend to upgrade it first, if you’re taking Kirito in your squad.

3rd skill: increases critical chance. Good passive ability, you can invest here

4th skill: small Cone AoE DoT. Damage is low, but it applies vulnerability (and silence on 6*, which is bugged and doesn’t apply)

5th skill: good damage to a single target. Also stuns (5 sec) on 6* on the last swipe. Animation is kinda long

Overall. Good character. One of the two who can reduce squad cd. Damage is average. Usually I take him as a support for a strong party to reduce their cd and get additional vulnerability. You can take him anywhere and anytime, I think you will find him useful. I mark him as A tier.